Consumer Information

This page includes a variety of links, reports, and data that federal regulations require us to provide to prospective and current students, community members, and other stakeholders.

Students Receiving VA Benefits

Verification of Enrollment – Montgomery GI Bill®
Students who are receiving benefits under the Montgomery GI Bill®-Active Duty, Chapter 30, or Montgomery GI Bill®-Selected Reserves, Chapter 1606 must verify their enrollment through the internet WAVE application or from a touch-tone phone.

You must verify your enrollment on the last day of each month for which benefits are to be paid. The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs will not issue payment until you verify.

Phone: 1-877-823-2378
WAVE website

Electronic fund transfer (direct deposit) usually occurs within 2-3 business days after verification of enrollment.

If you have made any changes to your enrollment, you will need to notify our office.

Post-911 GI Bill®
Students who are receiving monthly housing allowance under the Post-911 GI Bill® must verify their enrollment with the VA. For additional information, please visit the VA Enrollment Verification. Click here for more information.

Student Privacy

FERPA Statement


Other University Policies/Consumer Information

Vaccinations Policy

Student Activities

Career and Placement Services

Voter Registration Forms

Information on Constitution Day and resources (one, two, and three)

Contact Information

Please email the following people or departments for further information:

Financial Aid

Completion/Graduation Rates

Financial Aid Staff:

Student Accounts Staff:

Admissions Staff:

Student Life Staff:

Registrar Staff:

Institutional Effectiveness