I heard about Johnson from friends at church. The life sciences major launched during my freshman year, so the timing worked out well. My goal is to attend physical therapy school after Johnson and be an athletic trainer.
The program is small because it’s new, but I like that. In the difficult classes, we are all on the struggle bus together. The students in the program are all good friends; we like to hang out together even when we’re not in class. Dr. Cathey hosted us in her home at the end of spring semester – dinner was at 6:00 and we stayed until 10:00, talking about science stuff and summer plans and future goals. Hey, it sounds geeky, but it was fun.
I’m excited to take Ecology this fall. It was a subunit in Biology II this past semester and I’m looking forward to a whole class on the subject. Yesterday I helped my grandpa with some yard work and saw some clover not getting enough sun. Just as the textbooks say, it was adapting to its circumstances and had grown six times as tall so it could get more light. I see examples of what I’m learning everywhere.