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Intercultural Studies

Program Overview
The Intercultural Studies Major prepares students to be agents of transformation within strategic, intercultural, and missional vocations among all peoples in accordance with the gospel.
Every undergraduate student pursuing a four-year degree at Johnson earns a double major – a major in Bible and Theology and a major of their choice, like Intercultural Studies. Click here to learn more about the Bible and Theology major.
Core Classes
Cultural Anthropology
Cultural Anthropology
This course is an introduction to the social science known as cultural anthropology. Readings, films, websites, lectures, reports, and an exam provide a survey of vocabulary, concepts, and illustrations related to this branch of anthropology. Class lectures, outside reading, and films provide more in-depth case studies on the Near East Bedouin, Western Apache, and Old Order Amish, among others.
Practical Anthropology
This course introduces cultural anthropology with special attention to the application of an anthropological perspective to Christian mission. Students learn to examine the framework of beliefs, assumptions, values, and behaviors that shape people’s lives, in order to be more effective in ministry.
Introduction to Intercultural Studies
Intercultural Communication
This course examines the unique problems and strategies for communicating the gospel effectively in intercultural contexts. Special attention is given to the student’s personal role in intercultural communication, including language, behavior, and sensitivities needed to bridge cultural boundaries.
Teaching Cross-Culturally
Strategies for Intercultural Engagement
Cross-Cultural Internship Preparation
Typically completed during the spring term, this course consists of orientation meetings, required paperwork, required reading, cultural research, application for the student’s internship, and other necessary preparations for the field internship.
Cross-Cultural Internship
This internship provides on-the-job training under the supervision and guidance of an experienced missions practitioner where students are given opportunities to apply classroom instruction in cross-cultural situations. Internships directed by Johnson University’s School of Intercultural Studies enable students to gain ministry experience in their area of concentration in a cross-cultural setting. The term “cross-cultural” refers to cultural “distance,” whether geographical, theological, linguistic, or social, without regard to “foreign” or “home” distinctions. Internships test students’ aptitude for intercultural ministry, provide a laboratory for the application of classroom-learned theory, and offer exposure to life and practice on the cross-cultural field, all under the supervision and mentoring of an experienced and successful practitioner. Three-credit 10-week (minimum) internships include a minimum 300 hours of cross-cultural work, which students normally complete during the summer between their junior and senior years.
Cross-Cultural Internship Assessment
Typically this course is completed during Fall Session 1. During this course following the internship, students will successfully complete all paperwork and other debriefing requirements for their time on the field in the internship. Elements such as debriefing, field reports, and supporter reports are a part of this course. Successful completion of all course components is required.
God's Story & Our Story
Living & Leading Cross-Culturally
This course focuses on practical strategies of evangelism and discipleship in a cross-cultural setting that result in indigenous-led churches which reproduce themselves by planting more churches. Special attention is given to contextualization, creative access strategies into closed countries, personal spiritual development, spiritual warfare, raising support, communicating with supporters, family dynamics, choosing an organization, and the changing role of the western missionary.
Area Studies Elective (choose one)
Race & Ethnicity in the American Experience
Peoples & Cultures of the Middle East
Dynamics of World Religions
Urban Anthropology
Church Planting & Discipleship
Foundations of Biblical Preaching
This course equips students with the basic skills necessary to prepare and present biblical sermons. It gives special attention to studying a biblical text for preaching purposes; developing thesis statements, outlines, and support materials; and communicating effectively with contemporary listeners.
Theories and Practices of Biblical Teaching
This course equips students with the skills necessary to prepare and present biblical lessons. It gives special attention to studying a biblical text for teaching purposes, developing thesis statements and objectives, interactive and creative strategies, and utilizing group dynamics to help individuals grow spiritually.
Second Language & Culture Acquisition
This course introduces students to the process of language and cultural acquisition among people served on the field. An array of tools and practices are introduced.
Church Planting and Discipleship
This course gives students an overview of the theology, theory, and practice of planting churches locally and cross-culturally. Special attention is given to the mission of the church, contemporary models of church planting, indigenous church planting movements, making the gospel relevant to culture, and accountability-oriented discipleship which leads to the multiplication of churches. Church-planting specialists assist, and field trips to new church plants are included in the course schedule.
Intercultural Studies or Ministry elective
Choose one course with ANTH, ICXX, or CMXX prefix
Creation Care
Fundamentals of Biology & Sustainability with Lab
This course equips students with the basic skills necessary to prepare and present biblical sermons. It gives special attention to studying a biblical text for preaching purposes; developing thesis statements, outlines, and support materials; and communicating effectively with contemporary listeners.
International Community Development
Global Eco-Mission
Creaturely Theology
Creaturely theology blends biological and ecological field work on campus and in nearby areas with theological reflection on non-human creatures (plants and animals), spiritual formation in nature, and theological reflection on creation care and stewardship in order to better understand ourselves and nonhuman creatures in a way that approximates how God understands and cares for such creatures.
Creation Care elective
Choose one course with ANTH, ICXX, or CMXX prefix
Multicultural Church Leadership
Foundations of Biblical Preaching
This course equips students with the basic skills necessary to prepare and present biblical sermons. It gives special attention to studying a biblical text for preaching purposes; developing thesis statements, outlines, and support materials; and communicating effectively with contemporary listeners.
Theories and Practices of Biblical Teaching
This course equips students with the skills necessary to prepare and present biblical lessons. It gives special attention to studying a biblical text for teaching purposes, developing thesis statements and objectives, interactive and creative strategies, and utilizing group dynamics to help individuals grow spiritually.
Race, Culture, & The Church
A study of the sociological indicators, theories, and practices pertaining to race, culture, and the growing trend toward intentional multi-ethnic church planting/building. Students will become familiarized with the theories, foundations, opportunities, and challenges that accompany these areas, and applications across various ministry contexts will be explored.
Church Planting and Discipleship
This course gives students an overview of the theology, theory, and practice of planting churches locally and cross-culturally. Special attention is given to the mission of the church, contemporary models of church planting, indigenous church planting movements, making the gospel relevant to culture, and accountability-oriented discipleship which leads to the multiplication of churches. Church-planting specialists assist, and field trips to new church plants are included in the course schedule.
Ministry Elective
Choose one course with CMXX prefix
Teaching English as a Foreign Language
English as a Second Language/EFL Methods & Materials
This course examines the four second/foreign-language learning skills (reading, writing, listening, and speaking) and introduces students to a variety of instructional methodologies developed by ESL practitioners. Attention is also given to the teaching of grammar, the creation and use of placement and testing instruments, the critical examination of classroom texts, the study of contemporary theories of second/foreign language teaching, and to further study of current theory regarding language acquisition. Development of classroom lessons implementing methodologies discussed in class, especially the production of instructional visuals, is emphasized.
Introduction to Linguistics
This course introduces the process of language analysis with the goal of enhancing the student’s ability to learn language. Students gain a framework for understanding and identifying the sound systems and grammatical structures of different languages.
Second Language & Culture Acquisition
This course introduces students to the process of language and cultural acquisition among people served on the field. An array of tools and practices are introduced.
This course offers a view of language as a context-dependent social phenomenon. Students examine how cultural attitudes, expectations, behaviors, and contexts affect the use of language. With a particular emphasis on multilingual communities, this course introduces foundational principles for socio-linguistic survey.
Urban Engagement
Race & Ethnicity in the American Experience
This course examines the complex issue of ethnicity and race in America from a cultural, historical, and social justice perspective. Students gain a framework for understanding and identifying ethnic and racial issues and are equipped to live justly within their chosen professional fields.
Race, Culture, & The Church
A study of the sociological indicators, theories, and practices pertaining to race, culture, and the growing trend toward intentional multi-ethnic church planting/building. Students will become familiarized with the theories, foundations, opportunities, and challenges that accompany these areas, and applications across various ministry contexts will be explored.
Dynamics of City Transformation
This course serves as an orientation to the sociological, physical, and political structures and systems of the city and exposes students to the work of faith-based ministries and urban churches that work in the ongoing transformation of cities. Special attention is given to issues of wealth and poverty, power and marginalization, race, ethnicity, class, community development, biblical justice, and mobilization.
Urban Anthropology
This course focuses on contemporary issues salient to selected people and groups in the city (such as, but not necessarily including, African-American, Hispanic-American, drug culture, the homeless), and—as appropriate—historical background (including migration patterns). The course also relates these issues and people groups to the Missio Dei, or Mission of God. Topics vary by term.
Intercultural Studies or Ministry elective
Choose one course with ANTH, ICXX, or CMXX prefix
World Religions
Dynamics of World Religions
This course examines the complex issue of ethnicity and race in America from a cultural, historical, and social justice perspective. Students gain a framework for understanding and identifying ethnic and racial issues and are equipped to live justly within their chosen professional fields.
Religious Studies elective (choose four)
- Peoples & Cultures of the Middle East
- Islam: History, Beliefs, and Practices
- Second Language & Culture Acquisition
- Animism
- Philosophy of Religion
- Cults, Sects & New Religions
- Christian Apologetics
- History & Theology of Judaism
- Biblical Interpretation Across Cultures
There are many careers available for students who graduate with an Intercultural Studies degree! Here are just a few for you to explore:
- Missionary
- Community Health Evangelism
- Cultural consultant for nonprofit/for-profit company
- Government service (policy analyst)
- Government (diplomatic corps)
- Outreach ministry
- Missions ministry
- Anthropology
In addition, many graduates choose to continue their education with a Master of Arts in Intercultural Studies – at Johnson this degree is offered 100% online!
The Intercultural Studies degree prepares Christian men and women for strategic, cross-cultural, and missional vocations among all peoples in accordance with the gospel.
Every undergraduate student pursuing a four-year degree at Johnson earns a double major – a major in Bible and Theology and a major of their choice, like Intercultural Studies. Click here to learn more about the Bible and Theology major.
Encountering Cultures
This course examines the importance of culture and worldview in an increasingly multicultural world, and will give special attention to “reading” a city in preparation for service. It explores cultural diversity and the necessary skills for identifying the traits of different cultures (including the student’s own) in order to equip them to effectively interact with people of other cultures as they seek to fulfill the Great Commission and do their part to extend the kingdom of God among all nations.
Practical Anthropology
This course introduces cultural anthropology with special attention to the application of an anthropological perspective to Christian mission. Students learn to examine the framework of beliefs, assumptions, values, and behaviors that shape peoples’ lives, in order to be more effective in ministry.
Introduction to Linguistics
This course introduces the process of language analysis with the goal of enhancing the student’s ability to learn language. Students gain a framework for understanding and identifying the sound systems and grammatical structures of different languages.
Second Language & Culture Acquisition
This course introduces students to the process of language and cultural acquisition among people served on the field. An array of tools and practices are introduced.
This course presents a comprehensive and dynamic view of the mandate for Christian missionary activity. Students are challenged to a growing awareness that world evangelism is four-dimensional: biblical, historical, cultural, and strategic. A special emphasis is given to issues revolving around cultural and cross-cultural communication, along with how sensitivity in these areas can help further realize God’s global purpose.
Intercultural Communication
This course examines the unique problems and strategies for communicating the gospel effectively in intercultural contexts. Special attention is given to the student’s personal role in intercultural communication, including language, behavior, and sensitivities needed to bridge cultural boundaries.
Foundations of Working Cross-Culturally
Students explore the dynamics of cross-cultural ministry, fundamental team building, and issues of attending to personal and familial spiritual growth during ministry in a cross-cultural setting. Special emphasis is given to avoidance of placing children in at-risk situations due to the ministry of the parents.
Cross-Cultural Church Planting and Growth
This course introduces the process of planting and growing a network of biblically- and culturally-relevant faith communities in their setting. Building upon biblical methods, students explore the implications of contextualization in message formulation and the resulting communities of faith.
International Community Development
This course explores issues of poverty, primary health care, and microfinance for grassroots initiatives, as well as educational, economic, medical, and physical needs for community development.
Mission Theology
This course introduces students to principles and processes for developing a theology of mission for the context in which they serve. Emphasis is placed on biblical precedent and a practical approach to the local context.
The Gospel and Culture
This course explores the intersection of God’s Word, the cultural context, and the local faith community as they come together to develop a healthy church in context. The inspiration of Scripture, how God’s Word is perceived, and how God’s Word enters a context are addressed.
Understanding the Muslim World OR Animism
Understanding the Muslim World
This course expands the student’s knowledge and understanding of Muslim culture, worldview, and practices.
This course enables students to develop a deeper understanding of folk religions and animism. Special attention is given to folk religions and animistic beliefs found in the world today, cultural differences, significant barriers to the gospel, and channels for better understanding.
Intercultural Studies Practicum
Under the supervision of a qualified practitioner, students engage in a field context experience that integrates practice and theory related to missionary life, work, and growth.
Department Overview