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Intercultural Commerce

Program Overview
The Intercultural Commerce Major prepares Christian men and women to work successfully in the international Christian marketplace, adapting business concepts to other countries’ financial, sociopolitical, and economic systems. Intercultural Commerce majors develop skills to do business in markets around the world demonstrating their faith through their business commerce and actions. The curriculum is designed to prepare graduates to thrive in today’s global and multicultural work environment. Intercultural Commerce majors may choose to do an extended internship in a Christian business setting in another country.
Every undergraduate student pursuing a four-year degree at Johnson earns a double major – a major in Bible and Theology and a major of their choice, like Intercultural Commerce. Click here to learn more about the Bible and Theology major.
Core Classes
Intercultural Studies Core
Cultural Anthropology
This course is an introduction to the social science known as cultural anthropology. Readings, films, websites, lectures, reports, and an exam provide a survey of vocabulary, concepts, and illustrations related to this branch of anthropology. Class lectures, outside reading, and films provide more in-depth case studies on the Near East Bedouin, Western Apache, and Old Order Amish, among others.
Introduction to Intercultural Studies
Intercultural Communication
This course examines the unique problems and strategies for communicating the gospel effectively in intercultural contexts. Special attention is given to the student’s personal role in intercultural communication, including language, behavior, and sensitivities needed to bridge cultural boundaries.
Strategies for Intercultural Engagement
God’s Story-Our Story
Living & Leading Cross-Culturally
Intercultural Studies Elective Choose one 2000- or above courses with ANTH or ICXX prefix
Intercultural Commerce
Business Essentials
This course focuses on developing essential competencies necessary for business professionals, some of which include critical thinking, decision making, and the use of computer applications for problem solving. Topics include case study analysis, project development, and application software.
Students learn and apply macro and micro-economic principles. Topics include theories related to consumer and market behavior, determination of price, profit, output and GDP, supply and demand, fiscal policy, and distribution of income.
Entrepreneurial and Small Business Management
Students will study how to turn a model or idea into a profitable product or service, launch a new business enterprise, and take over and manage an existing business. Students will develop a business plan to demonstrate their ability to synthesize their business acumen.
Principles of Management
This course is a study of the functions, roles, and levels of the manager. Students will study classical and contemporary management theories and principles. Other topics include planning (strategy and goal setting, environment), organizing (organizational culture & structure, communication), leading (leadership, motivation, diversity, managing conflict), and controlling (decision making, change management).
This course is a study of the activities and processes used to create value for customers through product, price, place, and promotion decisions.
Internship Options
Cross-Cultural Internship Preparation
Typically completed during the spring term, this course consists of orientation meetings, required paperwork, required reading, cultural research, application for the student’s internship and other necessary preparations for the field internship.
Cross-Cultural Internship
This internship provides on-the-job training under the supervision and guidance of an experienced missions practitioner where students are given opportunities to apply classroom instruction in cross-cultural situations. Internships enable students to gain ministry experience in their area of concentration in a cross-cultural setting. The term “cross-cultural” refers to cultural “distance,” whether geographical, theological, linguistic, or social, without regard to “foreign” or “home” distinctions. Internships test students’ aptitude for intercultural ministry, provide a laboratory for the application of classroom-learned theory, and offer exposure to life and practice on the cross-cultural field, all under the supervision and mentoring of an experienced and successful practitioner. Three-credit 10-week (minimum) internships include a minimum 300 hours of cross-cultural work, which students normally complete during the summer between their junior and senior years.
Cross-Cultural Internship Assessment
Typically this course is completed during Fall Session 1, upon successful completion of ICMI 3521 and ICMI 3522. During this course following the internship, students will successfully complete all paperwork and other debriefing requirements for their time on the field in internship. Elements such as debriefing, field reports, and supporter reports are a part of this course. Successful completion of all course components is required.
Extended Internship
This internship provides on-the-job training under the supervision of an approved mentor and practitioner. Intercultural Commerce Extended internships offer students the opportunity to gain experience, skills and knowledge in their chosen field in a cross-cultural setting. Internships test students’ aptitude for intercultural commerce and provide a laboratory for the application of classroom-learned theory. These additional internship hours will count toward general elective requirements. Details of the internship must be approved by the internship coordinator and the School of Christian Ministries Dean.
There are many careers available for students who graduate with an Intercultural Commerce degree! Here are just a few for you to explore:
- Entrepreneur/Business Owner
- Nonprofit Management
- Business Development
- Finance
- Community Health Evangelism
- Cultural Consultant
- Career Development Consultant
The Intercultural Commerce degree prepares students to work successfully in the international Christian market environment, adapting business concepts to other countries’ financial, sociopolitical, and economic systems. Intercultural Commerce majors develop skills to initiate business in markets around the world while demonstrating their faith through their business commerce and actions. The curriculum is designed to prepare graduates to thrive in today’s global and multicultural work environment.
Every undergraduate student pursuing a four-year degree at Johnson earns a double major – a major in Bible and Theology and a major of their choice, like Intercultural Commerce. Click here to learn more about the Bible and Theology major.
Practical Anthropology
This course introduces cultural anthropology to Christian mission, with special attention to the application of an anthropological perspective. Students learn to examine the framework of beliefs, assumptions, values, and behaviors that shape people’s lives, in order to be more effective in ministry.
Business Essentials
This course focuses on developing essential competencies necessary for business professionals, some of which include critical thinking, decision making, and the use of computer applications for problem-solving. Topics include Case Study Analysis, Project Development, and Application Software.
Students learn and apply macro and micro-economic principles. Topics include theories related to consumer and market behavior, determination of price, profit, output and GDP, supply and demand, fiscal policy, and distribution of income.
Entrepreneurial and Small Business Management
Students will study how to turn a model or idea into a profitable product or service, launch a new business enterprise, and take over and manage an existing business. Students will develop a business plan to demonstrate their ability to synthesize their business acumen.
Intercultural Communication
This course examines the unique problems and strategies for communicating the gospel effectively in intercultural contexts. Special attention is given to the student’s personal role in intercultural communication, including language, behavior, and sensitivities needed to bridge cultural boundaries.
Foundations of Working Cross-Culturally
Students explore the dynamics of cross-cultural ministry, fundamental team building, and issues of attending to personal and familial spiritual growth during ministry in a cross-cultural setting. Special emphasis is given to avoidance of placing children in at-risk situations due to the ministry of the parents.
Cross-Cultural Leadership
Course description coming soon!
Mission Theology
This course introduces students to principles and processes for developing a theology of mission for the context in which they serve. Emphasis is placed on biblical precedent and a practical approach to the local context.
Intercultural Studies Practicum
Under the supervision of a qualified practitioner, students engage in a field context experience that integrates practice and theory related to missionary life, work, and growth.
Understanding the Muslim World OR Animism
Understanding the Muslim World
This course expands the student’s knowledge and understanding of Muslim culture, worldview, and practices.
This course enables students to develop a deeper understanding of folk religions and animism. Special attention is given to folk religions and animistic beliefs found in the world today, cultural differences, significant barriers to the gospel, and channels for better understanding.
Principles of Marketing
This course is a study of the activities and processes used to create value for customers through product, price, place, and promotion decisions.
Principles of Management
This course is a study of the functions, roles, and levels of the manager. Students will study classical and contemporary management theories and principles. Other topics include planning (strategy and goal-setting, environment), leading (leadership, motivation, diversity, managing conflict), and controlling decision-making and change management.
Department Overview