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Ministry Leadership

Program Overview
The two-year associate degree in Ministry Leadership provides students with foundational preparation for leadership in churches and parachurch ministries. Students are also prepared to complete a four-year bachelor’s degree.
Core Classes
Encountering Cultures: City as Text
This course examines the importance of culture and worldview in an increasingly multicultural world, and will give special attention to “reading” a city in preparation for service. It explores cultural diversity and the necessary skills for identifying the traits of different cultures (including the student’s own), in order to equip them to effectively interact with people of other cultures as they seek to fulfill the Great Commission and do their part to extend the kingdom of God among all nations.
Introduction to Ministry Leadership
This course provides students with biblical and practical resources for exploring ministry callings, establishing healthy personal and interpersonal skills for ministry effectiveness, and embracing the role of higher education in equipping for ministry leadership.
Foundations of Biblical Preaching
This course equips students with the basic skills necessary to prepare and present biblical sermons. It gives special attention to studying a biblical text for preaching purposes; developing thesis statements, outlines, and support materials; and communicating effectively with contemporary listeners.
Spiritual Formation for Ministry
This course explores two areas: The first is how God works in believers through his Holy Spirit to conform them to the image of Christ and empower them for ministry. The second is how to help others grow spiritually. Students survey the history and theology of spiritual formation, examine biblical and historical spiritual disciplines, experience spiritual practices firsthand, develop a “rule of life,” and consider the most effective ways of fostering spiritual maturity in individuals, groups, and congregations.
Choose one
Theories and Practices of Biblical Teaching
This course equips students with the skills necessary to prepare and present biblical lessons. It gives special attention to studying a biblical text for teaching purposes, developing thesis statements and objectives, developing interactive and creative strategies, and using group dynamics to help individuals grow spiritually.
Conflict and Communication
This course equips students with the self-understanding and skills necessary for effective and transformative communication in individual, group, and congregational/organizational settings.
Choose one
Choose from the following:
Foundations of Student and Children’s Ministry
Special Issues in Ministry Leadership
Theories of Biblical Preaching
Society and Media
Fundamentals of Web Design
Survey of Persons with Disabilities
Intercultural Communication
Dynamics of City Transformation
Live Production I
The two-year associate degree in Ministry Leadership provides students with foundational preparation for leadership in churches and parachurch ministries. Students are also prepared to complete a four-year bachelor’s degree.
Encountering Cultures: City as Text
This course examines the importance of culture and worldview in an increasingly multicultural world, and will give special attention to “reading” a city in preparation for service. It explores cultural diversity and the necessary skills for identifying the traits of different cultures (including the student’s own), in order to equip them to effectively interact with people of other cultures as they seek to fulfill the Great Commission and do their part to extend the kingdom of God among all nations.
Biblical Teaching and Preaching
This course equips students with the fundamental skills necessary to prepare and present biblical lessons and sermons. It gives special attention to studying a biblical text for teaching and preaching purposes; developing thesis statements, outlines, and support materials; and communicating effectively with contemporary students and listeners.
Pastoral Ministry
This course focuses on many of the day-to-day responsibilities of the pastoral ministry, such as applying for positions, ministry beginnings and endings, relationships with elders and staff, weddings, funerals, baptisms, visitations, office management, and discipleship ministries. Students also examine the underlying theology of the ministry of all believers.
Spiritual Formation for Ministry
This course explores two areas: The first is how God works in believers through his Holy Spirit to conform them to the image of Christ and empower them for ministry. The second is how to help others grow spiritually. Students survey the history and theology of spiritual formation, examine biblical and historical spiritual disciplines, experience spiritual practices firsthand, develop a “rule of life,” and consider the most effective ways of fostering spiritual maturity in individuals, groups, and congregations.
Ministry electives: choose one
Introduction to Counseling Ministry
Theories of Biblical Teaching & Preaching
Fundamentals of Web Design
Intercultural Communication
Department Overview