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Master of Business Administration (MBA)

Program Overview
The Master of Business Administration (M.B.A.) program at Johnson University is designed to develop, enhance, and strengthen YOU with the critical business skills required by today’s employers. These include leadership, quantitative and analytical thinking, strategic thinking, ethical decision making, and integrity.
The faculty are experienced Christian practitioners who are adept in training graduate students to apply business knowledge and skills to life, work, and spiritual transformation. Our MBA program embraces an individual’s passion for business and their desire to demonstrate a Christ-centered life in the workplace. Students who are in the top 20 percent of their class and have completed at least 18 credit hours are eligible to become members of Sigma Beta Delta, the international honor society in Business, Management, and Administration.
The program is designed to provide value to you and the organizations you are part of, by offering:
- Convenience: The MBA is 100% online.
- Affordability: Don’t choose between your degree and high debt load.
- A supportive environment: Enjoy flexibility with an online curriculum, accessible faculty, and supportive and personal attention and guidance throughout your program.
- Quality classes: The average class size is below 15 students, offering a true cohort experience. One hundred percent of the full-time faculty have terminal degrees and are real-world Christian practitioners who can offer expertise on integrating faith with business and work.
- Concentrations: In Entrepreneurship, Healthcare Management, Human Resource Management, Leadership, Management, Marketing, and Nonprofit Management.
The Johnson MBA provides advanced preparation for Christian leadership in all facets of a global society, including business, government, education, and nonprofit sectors. Our exceptional Capstone experience allows you to demonstrate focused learning in your desired area of study.
International Christian Work Scholarship
The M.B.A. Program within the School of Business and Public Leadership at Johnson University is pleased to administer individual scholarships made possible by the generosity of The Sutton Fund which is committed to the mission of Johnson University.
Description: There are two scholarship opportunities: The Missionary Missions Scholarship and The International Christian Work Scholarship. Scholarships are competitive and limited in number.
The Missionary Missions Scholarship is typically awarded to a missionary or missionary recruit who is performing missions work in an international context and who has stopped their master’s graduate program and needs funds to finish their program.
The International Christian Work Scholarship is typically awarded to an international student who resides outside the United States and who is pursuing an online graduate degree. The scholarship is intended for students who wouldn’t be able to attend Johnson University without this scholarship assistance.
The School of Business and Public Leadership faculty and staff, in consultation with the admissions and financial aid offices, will make the final decision on awards based on the above criteria.
Eligibility: To be eligible for the Missionary Missions Scholarship, applicants must meet the above criteria and must be intending to re-enroll in the M.B.A. program in the next available cohort. To be eligible for the International Christian Work Scholarship, applicants must meet the above criteria and must be intending to enroll in the M.B.A. program in the next available cohort and have completed the M.B.A application process. Scholarship awards are contingent on admission to the M.B.A. program and enrollment as a full-time student. Should a student choose to defer to a future cohort after admission and awarding of a scholarship, the student must reapply for scholarship consideration. Students awarded recurring scholarships must be enrolled as a full-time student and maintain a 3.0 GPA each semester. The International Christian Work Scholarship applicants must show their inability to attend Johnson University without the assistance of the scholarship.
Application Materials: Before you submit your application, please ensure that it is complete. Incomplete applications will not be considered. Please complete the form below and also upload copies of transcripts for all previous college work and a current curriculum vitae as one combined PDF file.
Submission: Submission of application materials should be made by July 1 through the form below. Identifying information will be redacted prior to application review.
Missionary Missions Scholarship
The M.B.A. Program within the School of Business and Public Leadership at Johnson University is pleased to administer individual scholarships made possible by the generosity of The Sutton Fund which is committed to the mission of Johnson University.
Description: There are two scholarship opportunities: The Missionary Missions Scholarship and The International Christian Work Scholarship. Scholarships are competitive and limited in number.
The Missionary Missions Scholarship is typically awarded to a missionary or missionary recruit who is performing missions work in an international context and who has stopped their master’s graduate program and needs funds to finish their program.
The International Christian Work Scholarship is typically awarded to an international student who resides outside the United States and who is pursuing an online graduate degree. The scholarship is intended for students who wouldn’t be able to attend Johnson University without this scholarship assistance.
The School of Business and Public Leadership faculty and staff, in consultation with the admissions and financial aid offices, will make the final decision on awards based on the above criteria.
Eligibility: To be eligible for the Missionary Missions Scholarship, applicants must meet the above criteria and must be intending to re-enroll in the M.B.A. program in the next available cohort. To be eligible for the International Christian Work Scholarship, applicants must meet the above criteria and must be intending to enroll in the M.B.A. program in the next available cohort and have completed the M.B.A application process. Scholarship awards are contingent on admission to the M.B.A. program and enrollment as a full-time student. Should a student choose to defer to a future cohort after admission and awarding of a scholarship, the student must reapply for scholarship consideration. Students awarded recurring scholarships must be enrolled as a full-time student and maintain a 3.0 GPA each semester.
Application Materials: Before you submit your application, please ensure that it is complete. Incomplete applications will not be considered. Please complete the form below and also upload copies of transcripts for all previous college work and a current curriculum vitae as one combined PDF file.
Submission: Submission of application materials should be made by July 1 through the form below. Identifying information will be redacted prior to application review.
Core Classes
Advanced Business Analytics
The purpose of this course is to teach students how to make optimum decisions as a result of analyzing data. Additionally, students will be able to effectively communicate the results of the data analysis in a clear and concise manner.
Marketing Management
Students explore the strategies of how a company decides what to sell, identify its target market(s), and learn the best method(s) of reaching them. An emphasis will be placed on developing a marketing plan for a profit or nonprofit organization.
Advanced Operations Management
Students examine approaches to managing the design, operation, and improvement of systems and processes, as well as the delivery of a firm’s products and services.
Accounting for Strategic Decision Making
Students gain enhanced knowledge, analytical tools, and interpretation skills to help leaders make better operating, investing, and financing decisions. Topics include GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles) financial statement presentation and reporting, underlying accounting principles and conventions, and cost accounting language and topics, such as cost-volume-profit analysis, resource allocation, budgeting and variance analysis, and relevant costs.
Business Law
Students explore the legal and ethical issues of business. Since the law is the foundation to societal ethics, students study and discuss basic business law concepts such as business organizations, real property, contracts, employment, sales & warranties, personal property, risk devices, governmental regulation, and the court system. The course enables students to understand and articulate the development of ethical and moral frameworks by which operational decisions can be made and professional moral conduct enhanced. Students use a variety of ethical models and perspectives that shed light on ethical operational issues.
Managerial Economics
This course examines micro and macro economic forces in organizations and throughout the economy. The student gains insight into how the markets function, including an understanding of how individual managers and consumers generate the fundamentals of market supply and demand, governing the prices and quantities sold in all economic transactions.
Advanced Leadership Theory & Practice
This advanced course explores leadership through a blend of research, theories, and practical application. Selected readings, videos, case analyses, self reflections, and discussion forums will guide leadership topics weekly. Students will analyze their strengths and weaknesses through multiple self-assessment activities and their followers’ input and develop a plan for leadership self-formation.
Entrepreneurship Concentration
Entrepreneurship and Venture Strategy
This course is a comprehensive introduction to the entrepreneurial process from idea generation through venture launch and later growth. Students will work through the entrepreneurial process of identifying and obtaining the necessary resources to launch an entrepreneurial venture through the development of a business plan. Case studies will develop a student’s ability to assess the attractiveness of a new venture, anticipate the problems likely to be encountered as the business evolves, and plan for organizational scalability.
Entrepreneurial Finance
This course will explore the development of financial and business skills to identify, evaluate, start, and manage new ventures. This includes a survey of private equity from several perspectives, beginning with the entrepreneur/issuer, moving to private equity–venture capital and leveraged buyout–partnerships, and investors in private equity partnerships. This approach will focus on tools and techniques for creating, growing, and leading successful ventures by addressing the marketing and sales challenges involved in formulating and sustaining a marketplace competitive advantage.
Entrepreneurial Alternatives
This course will examine paths of entrepreneurship outside of high-growth, new venture creation. In particular, the course will focus on tactical elements of business acquisition and franchise purchase, including target evaluation, financial analysis of targets, business valuation, deal structuring, financing of purchases, and post-purchase operations and integration. In addition to its focus on business acquisition and franchise purchase, this course will explore other alternative entrepreneurial paths including corporate entrepreneurship and entrepreneurship in broad sectors of the economy including retail (both traditional and online), health care, telecommunications, consumer services, and businesses enhanced by the internet.
Project Design Management: Entrepreneurship
Students gain practical knowledge and apply project management processes from project inception through closeout, including initiating, planning, executing, monitoring, controlling, and closing. A major focus is an integration of process management processes in scope, time, quality, risk, communication, human resources, and procurement.
Capstone Project: Entrepreneurship
Students are required to successfully demonstrate their ability to research, synthesize, analyze, and communicate information at a graduate level. As a final demonstration of the knowledge gained throughout the MBA program, students will collaborate with or research an organization, profit or nonprofit, to develop actionable business solutions.
Healthcare Management Concentration
Leadership and Quality Improvement in Healthcare
This course emphasizes the importance of ethical leadership in addressing improvement in quality in the healthcare system. The role of a leader in negotiation and influencing, building teams, implementing change, and creating learning organizations within the healthcare workplace are topics in this course. Readings in quality improvement, ethical leadership, and healthcare and case studies are a part of this course.
Healthcare Law & Regulation
This course emphasizes the legal landscape and the continued regulation needed to maintain a quality healthcare system. Analysis of laws and their impact on policy are addressed. Case studies, readings, and research are included in this course.
Healthcare Strategy & Policy
The focus of this course will be on healthcare’s role in the marketplace and the organizational strategic designs necessary for delivering healthcare value to consumers. Topics include healthcare economics, creating consumer value, domestic and global competition, and organizational sustainability.
Project Design Management: Healthcare Management
Students gain practical knowledge and apply project management processes from project inception through closeout, including initiating, planning, executing, monitoring, controlling, and closing. A major focus is an integration of process management processes in scope, time, cost, quality, risk, communication, human resources, and procurement.
Capstone Project: Healthcare Management
Students are required to successfully demonstrate their ability to research, synthesize, analyze, and communicate information at a graduate level. As a final demonstration of the knowledge gained throughout the MBA program, students will collaborate with or research an organization, profit or nonprofit, to develop actionable business solutions.
Human Resource Management Concentration
Talent & Performance Management
This course has a comprehensive approach to using specific human resource planning components to properly onboard and retain employees for a lifecycle of work. Topics include forecasting, recruitment, selection, job analysis, training, and career development models, performance appraisal options, compensation administration, retention, and separation/retirement strategies. Human resource development tools are addressed for their impact on increasing overall organizational effectiveness. Case studies and practical application culminate in definitive and useful organizational plans and practices for implementation.
Compensation Management
This course addresses the impact of compensation on human motivation and the necessity for compensation planning in establishing salaries and wages. Case studies and practical application culminate in definitive and useful organizational plans and practices for implementation.
Employee & Labor Relations
This course addresses the importance of understanding employee behavior within organizational work, employee relationships in the context of diversity, employee and management interactions, and labor relation methods and practices. Case studies and a labor simulation will be included in this course.
Project Design Management: Human Resources
Students gain practical knowledge and apply project management processes from project inception through closeout, including initiating, planning, executing, monitoring, controlling, and closing. A major focus is an integration of process management processes in scope, time, cost, quality, risk, communication, human resources, and procurement.
Capstone Project: Human Resource Management
Students are required to successfully demonstrate their ability to research, synthesize, analyze, and communicate information at a graduate level. As a final demonstration of the knowledge gained throughout the MBA program, students will collaborate with or research an organization, profit or nonprofit, to develop actionable business solutions.
Leadership Concentration
Leadership Communication
This course develops the student’s leadership abilities in a variety of business communications, including public speaking, presentation, and oral and written communication.
Leadership & Team Building
This course focuses on developing the skills needed to successfully create and lead teams in organizations. Skills examined and practiced in this course include team building, conflict management, decision making, and strategic thinking.
Organizational Leadership
Students explore organizational theories related to structure and leadership, team dynamics and communication, and change management. Topics include pluralist contexts; conflict management; power, politics, and stakeholder management; resistance to change; and the importance of dialogue and listening.
Project Design Management
Students gain practical knowledge and apply project management processes from project inception through closeout, including initiating, planning, executing, monitoring, controlling, and closing. A major focus is the integration of process management processes in scope, time, cost, quality, risk, communication, human resources, and procurement.
Capstone Project: Leadership
Students are required to successfully demonstrate their ability to research, synthesize, analyze, and communicate information at a graduate level. As a final demonstration of the knowledge gained throughout the MBA program, students will collaborate with or research an organization, profit or nonprofit, to develop actionable business solutions.
Management Concentration
Strategic Human Resource Management
Students leverage the broad content areas specific to the field of human resources (compensation/benefits, HRIS, employee wellness and safety, employee assistance, employee relations, training and development, selection and staffing, organizational development, performance management systems, job design, career development, and human resources planning) in identifying, recruiting, developing, renewing, and retaining human assets that add maximum value to the strategic imperatives of the organization.
Advanced Corporate Finance
Students focus on the functions of corporate finance, which include evaluating financial statements and ratios, asset utilization, and working capital models.
Advanced International Business
This course examines business from a multinational perspective concerning the global, economic, political, cultural, and social environment within which firms operate. Students will synthesize research and application to develop a framework of analysis for global business planning.
Project Design Management
Students gain practical knowledge and apply project management processes from project inception through closeout, including initiating, planning, executing, monitoring, controlling, and closing. A major focus is integration of management processes in scope, time, cost, quality, risk, communication, human resources, and procurement.
Capstone Project: Management
Students are required to successfully demonstrate their ability to research, synthesize, analyze, and communicate information at a graduate level. As a final demonstration of the knowledge gained throughout the MBA program, students will collaborate with or research an organization, profit or nonprofit, to develop actionable business solutions.
Marketing Concentration
Brand Planning & Design
The focus of this course will be on giving students the preparation for creating equitable brands, implementing the brand strategy, and managing the brand for sustainability from the context of understanding the buyer. Formative analysis of brand effectiveness throughout the process will be emphasized. Current marketing readings, case studies, and project development are contained in this course.
Marketing Communications
This is a comprehensive course intended to address the communication tools used in the marketing field. The primary focus will be creating a communication process to reach a specific target market using digital or traditional methods within media strategy and budget management. Social media and other forms of electronic communication and commerce will be addressed in the course. Current marketing readings, case studies, and project development are contained in this course.
Marketing Decision Making & Analytics
This course will recap and include related and current dynamics in marketing decisions. The relationship of marketing decisions to other functional business decision-making is emphasized. As a result, students will analyze comprehensive business data models and determine the appropriate marketing strategies necessary. Topics include segmentation, demand forecasting, budgeting, and pricing. Current marketing readings, case studies, and project development are contained in this course.
Project Design Management: Marketing
Students gain practical knowledge and apply project management processes from project inception through closeout, including initiating, planning, executing, monitoring, controlling, and closing. A major focus is an integration of process management processes in scope, time, cost, quality, risk, communication, human resources, and procurement.
Capstone Project: Marketing
Students are required to successfully demonstrate their ability to research, synthesize, analyze, and communicate information at a graduate level. As a final demonstration of the knowledge gained throughout the MBA program, students will collaborate with or research an organization, profit or nonprofit, to develop actionable business solutions.
Nonprofit Management Concentration
The Nonprofit Sector
This course evaluates the nonprofit sector, with particular emphasis on charitable 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations. Students explore the scope and context of the sector, historical developments, management and leadership challenges, community-building roles, ethics, legal issues, social justice, and emerging issues such as information technology. In addition, students examine board and volunteer management in terms of legal responsibilities of boards, the role of boards in nonprofits, volunteer organization and management, and the dynamics of board and staff relations.
Social Entrepreneurship
This course innovatively establishes the fundamental concepts, principles, and tools necessary for social entrepreneurship. Combining development, business, and missiological theory in order to respond to the needs of a community, this course moves beyond business as mission and examines criteria for starting, building, and running a project that makes an impact for Christ and is a developmental asset to the local community.
Nonprofit Resource Development
Students explore principles of philanthropy and fundraising applicable to private nonprofit and governmental agencies.
Project Design Management
Students gain practical knowledge and apply project management processes from project inception through closeout, including initiating, planning, executing, monitoring, controlling, and closing. A major focus is the integration of process management processes in scope, time, cost, quality, risk, communication, human resources, and procurement.
Capstone Project: Nonprofit Management
Students are required to successfully demonstrate their ability to research, synthesize, analyze, and communicate information at a graduate level. As a final demonstration of the knowledge gained throughout the MBA program, students will collaborate with or research an organization, profit or nonprofit, to develop actionable business solutions.
Department Overview