The purpose of the Alumni Association is to promote sustained loyalty to Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, promote continual loyalty and support to Johnson University, and maintain a spirit of mutual encouragement and helpfulness among members of the Association. The Association is governed by a set of bylaws

Throughout the year, friends and colleagues can stay connected through the Johnson University Alumni Community, which makes it easy to connect with other alumni, register for events, post and search for jobs, pay alumni association dues, update contact information, give to the University, and more.

2024 Alumni Officers:

  • President: Don Crane (’01)
  • Vice President: Bill Worrell (’72)
  • Secretary: Rachel Woolard (’09)
  • Treasurer: Brian Lakin (’78)

2025 Alumni Officers:

  • President: Mike Reynolds (’13)
  • Vice President: Philip Dixon (’13)
  • Secretary: Chelsea Harden (’15)
  • Treasurer: Brian Lakin (’78)


Alumni Association Activities

Planning and Promoting Homecoming

Each year Johnson University hosts Homecoming for alumni and friends. The Alumni Association officers develop the theme, plan the program, and secure the speakers for main sessions and workshops. A major portion of the expense of this event is paid by the Alumni Association.

Selecting Distinguished Servants

Each year an honor committee may choose to nominate individuals or couples to receive the Distinguished Service Award from the Alumni Association. Those selected are people of exceptional commitment and integrity who have demonstrated extraordinary service in work related to the purpose of the University or have given outstanding service to the University.

Selecting Honorary Alumni

Each year a number of people who have demonstrated a long-term interest in Johnson University through their prayers and gifts are elected as honorary alumni by the Alumni Association.

Maintaining the Voting Membership

Voting members of the Alumni Association are those alumni who have paid their current annual alumni dues. The dues are $25 per person or $35 per couple. Retired alumni pay only $20 per person or $25 per couple. Reminders are sent to all alumni at least two times a year.

Encouraging Graduating Classes

The Alumni Association assists and encourages each graduating class to actively participate in the Association and to establish a permanent scholarship fund in their class name. The Alumni Association matches whatever gift the class gives, thus doubling the initial amount in their fund. The Alumni Association also waives the membership dues for the graduating seniors for the first year, making them eligible to vote and be nominated for the Council of Seventy.

Supporting Johnson Capital Campaigns

The Alumni Association gives generously each year to the current capital campaign conducted by the University. The capital campaigns pay for major construction, fund new academic programs, and increase permanent funds. Learn more about the current Uncommon Community campaign.

Alumni Dues

Click here to pay alumni dues!