Choral Society

JUFL Choral SocietyThe Choral Society is a community choir, comprised of about 50 members from JUFL staff, students, area churches, and the community, that combines with the Campus Choir to provide public choral concerts and special music at special events, including two performances of the annual Night of Noel Christmas program and themed concerts at local area churches. The group has also performed in Epcot’s Candlelight Processional at Christmas for several years.

Participants must be at least 16 years old to join the Choral Society.  There is no audition, but if you have a love for music, a cooperative spirit to sing with a group, and a desire for your talent to be used by God, this might just be the group for you. Having fun is the bonus part!

The Choral Society is directed by Dirk Donahue, JUFL Director of Performing Arts.

Sign up below!


Get involved!

Rehearsals: Mondays beginning January 8, 2024 at 6:45 p.m. in the Brough Music Wing at Johnson University Florida. Out-of-state choir members are welcome to join by zoom.

Choral Society fees (per semester):

  • $70 Individual
  • $30 for each additional member of your family
  • $30 JUFL student/staff/alumnus