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Dr. Roy Miller
Dean, Templar School of Education
M.S. in Education (University of Tennessee)
Ed.S. in Education (Lincoln Memorial University)
Ed.D. in Executive Leadership (Emory University)
Math Literacy Through French Language Learning
The Positive Impact of World Language Study on Special Needs K-5 Children
Parvoli Romani (Little Romans): Teaching Latin in Grades 2, 3, and 4
Chair of the Department of Education Leadership & Policy committee on the board of the College of Education, Health, and Human Services at the University of Tennessee
My favorite part about teaching at Johnson is: The unconditional love given and received by the faculty, staff, and students.
When I’m not teaching, I love to: Spend time at home with my family. Time is too fleeting to do otherwise.
In my classes, students can expect: My best. From my students, I learn to get better each time I lead a class.
My best advice to a new student in my program is: Students need to connect with their peers, staff, and faculty from their school.
Because of my influence, I most want my students to become: Servant leaders. If we all were to spend our time serving one another, the world would be a much happier place.
The myth-busting truth about my discipline I most want people to understand is: To me, teaching is a calling. You can’t teach others unless you are willing to serve them.
A quote that influences how I live is: “If you find a job that you love, you’ll never work again…” –Winston Churchill