Dr. Monica Nelson

Professor and Director of Health Sciences
Profile image for Dr.  Monica Nelson
B.S. in Nursing (Indiana University)
M.Ed. in Curriculum Instruction (Lincoln Memorial University)
Ph.D. in Nursing (East Tennessee State University)

When I’m not teaching, I love to: Read, cook for friends, work out, travel, spend time with family and friends.

In my classes, students can expect: Rigor and high expectations, but also the path to meet those expectations.

My best advice to a new student in my program is: Do your best and communicate often.

Because of my influence, I most want my students to become: People who are intentional with their words and actions. For the nurses….for them to live and act within the art and science of nursing.

The myth-busting truth about my discipline I most want people to understand is: It is not all “blood and guts.” Well….only a small part.

A quote that influences how I live is: “The place God calls you to is the place where your deep gladness and the world’s deep hunger meet.” – Frederick Buechner