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Dr. Jeff Snell
Dean, School of Christian Ministries

B.Th. in Theology (Ozark Christian College)
M.A. in New Testament (Lincoln Christian University)
M.Div. in Christian Ministries (Lincoln Christian University)
D.Min. in Expository Preaching (Southern Baptist Theological Seminary)
Books and Other Resources: Strength for the Journey
Using Expository Preaching to Help College Students Understand, Appreciate and Benefit from Biblical Humor Dynamics (Doctor of Ministry Final Research Project)
Imitation Christianity: The Hermeneuticial and Hortatory Significance of Paul’s Autobiographical Material in 2 Timothy (M.A. Thesis)
My favorite part about teaching at Johnson is: Raising up the next generation of world-changing preachers in a rigorous interdisciplinary environment.
When I’m not teaching, I love to: Run, read, play the guitar, spend time with family.
In my classes, students can expect: To be respected as unique communicators. Our goal is to help students find their own best voice rather than a pure imitation of someone else.
My best advice to a new student in my program is: Work hard. If you were a medical student, you would prepare knowing lives are at stake. Eternity hangs in the balance as people hear and respond to our preaching. The Lord and our hearers deserve our best effort.
Because of my influence, I most want my students to become: More like Jesus. I want our students to love God more than they love talking about God.
The myth-busting truth about my discipline I most want people to understand is: Words are not separated from deeds. Jesus’ words defined his actions, even as his actions enlivened his words. The two must be combined rather than placed in opposition to one another.
A quote that influences how I live is: “If you want to build a ship, don’t drum up people to connect wood and don’t assign them tasks and work, but rather teach them to long for the endless immensity of the sea.” – Antoine de Saint-Exupery