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Dr. Gerald Mattingly
Professor of Cross-Cultural Leadership, Coordinator of Honors Program, and Co-Director of Karak Resources Project (Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan)

M.Div. in World Religions, Archeology, Bible, and Missions (Southern Baptist Theological Seminary)
Ph.D. in Intercultural Studies (Southern Baptist Theological Seminary)
Books: Peoples of the Old Testament World
The Bible in the Light of Cuneiform Literature Scripture in Context III
Benchmarks in Time and Culture: Essays in Honor of Joseph A. Callaway
Member of Translation Team, “Book of Numbers,” New Living Translation (NLT)
Contributing Scholar, “Book of Numbers,” NLT Study Bible
Contributing Scholar, Archaeology Study Bible, English Standard Version (ESV)
Articles/Essays: “The Location of Mount Sinai: A Southern Sinai View (Jebel Musa),” for the Lexham Geographic Commentary on the Pentateuch.
My favorite part about teaching at Johnson is: Interacting with curious students who really want to understand world cultures.
When I’m not teaching, I love to: Read and continue to learn in a variety of ways.
In my classes, students can expect: To pursue important and wide-ranging subjects by means of excellent and varied resources.
My best advice to a new student in my program is: Figure out how courses within the program fit together and relate to the entire curriculum.
Because of my influence, I most want my students to become: Lifelong students of the world and its cultures, ancient and modern.
The myth-busting truth about my discipline I most want people to understand is: The study of anthropology, archaeology, and the religious traditions of the world produces many rewards and makes every day interesting.
A quote that influences how I live is: “Our real journey in life is interior; it is a matter of growth, deepening, and of an ever greater surrender to the creative action of love and grace in our hearts.” – Thomas Merton