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Dr. Brian Leslie
Professor of Youth and Children's Ministries

MA. In Youth Ministry Leadership (Huntington University)
D.Min. in Missional and Spiritual Formation (Lipscomb University)
Twitter: @UTHProf
Instagram: @UTHProf
My favorite part about teaching at Johnson is: Our students! We have a tremendous group of students who are intent on changing the world.
When I’m not teaching, I love to: Hang with my fam and dogs. I am a huge Chicago sports fan (except the Cubs, sorry).
In my classes, students can expect: An environment where the content is not just from some guy up front, but also taps into the collective knowledge and experience in the room. Students should feel both encouraged and challenged.
My best advice to a new student in my program is: Relax. God is not interested in your perfection but rather your faithfulness. Trust in Him to perfectly provide for your needs. Also…go to class, turn assignments in, and enjoy Fiesta Friday!
Because of my influence, I most want my students to become: Closer to Jesus. I also hope they are inspired and equipped to serve the local church and love people well.
The myth-busting truth about my discipline I most want people to understand is: Youth ministry is a real job with great importance. It is more than throwing parties and ordering pizza. It is about spiritually forming teenagers to have life-long meaningful relationships with Jesus.
A quote that influences how I live is: “Do or Do not. There is no try.” ¬– Yoda