Dr. Jeff Snell
Dean, School of Congregational Ministry


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Master of Strategic Ministry Core Classes

Master of Strategic Ministry Core Classes

Fall (10 credits)
The Church’s Mission (3 credits, online): Exploring the biblical and theological nature of the church and its mission to the world.
The Church’s Ministry (3 credits, online): Developing pastoral skills necessary for effective church ministry.
Specialty Concentration Field Experience (4 credits): Serving in ministry under the guidance of a mentor to develop competencies in a specialty field.

Spring (10 credits)
Strategic Leadership (3 credits, online): Developing leadership skills related to mission, vision, and strategy.
Strategic Management (3 credits, online): Developing skills for people, resource, and program management.
Specialty Concentration Field Experience (4 credits): Serving in ministry under the guidance of a mentor to develop competencies in a specialty field.

Summer (10 credits)
The Leader’s Spiritual Development (3 credits, online): Cooperating with the Holy Spirit to implement personal practices for spiritual formation. The class may include a 2-3 day spiritual formation retreat. *Students may substitute Bible Lands, a class with a formative emphasis built around a trip to Israel. Students pay a course fee equivalent to the trip’s cost.
The Leader’s Professional Development (3 credits, online): Developing skills and habits in self-understanding, self-leadership, self-care, and life-long learning.
Specialty Concentration Field Experience (4 credits): Serving in ministry under the guidance of a mentor to develop competencies in a specialty field.

Six online classes are designed to integrate with the residency experience. Learning objectives, activities, and projects emphasize hands-on, experiential learning in the ministry context. The curriculum outline assumes the program will be completed in twelve months, including two online classes per term. A 24-month option is also available if the student and partner church agree to this arrangement. Such students will take one online class per term. Students may enter the program in August, January, or May each year.