Dual enrollment classes, in which high school students take college courses for both high school and college credit, are a great way to save money and time in pursuing a college degree. Some students take classes that will count toward their general education requirements at the university level, while others choose more specialized classes that allow them to explore a specific field of study. Think you might want to major in history, biology, or health services? Take a class and find out!
Johnson offers a variety of dual enrollment classes for high school juniors and seniors, and it’s easy to get started: complete the online application form and a few other pieces of paperwork, then choose the class you’d like to take. Options range from the humanities (English Composition, Philosophical Ethics) or science and math (Quantitative Literacy, Health Science, Fundamentals of Biology), to languages (Spanish I and II) and American History. We also offer a range of first- and second-year Bible classes including Orientation to the Old Testament, Orientation to the New Testament, Biblical Interpretation, and Orientation to Theology.
Some of these classes are even offered online, so students can make progress on their educational goals without leaving home! Click here to check out both the on-ground and online options.
Finally, it’s important for Tennessee students to know that the Tennessee Dual Enrollment Grant currently pays for $538.65 per course for the students’ first five classes and $100 per credit for courses 6-10. That means you can not only graduate high school with up to 30 college credit hours, but you can do so for a much lower cost. Click here to learn more about the Grant and how to apply. And if you’re not in Tennessee, try searching online for dual enrollment scholarships and grants offered near you!