The first value of Johnson University Athletics is “Cultivation.” For us, the term is about nurture and growth over time. We want to see our student-athletes develop as people, as leaders, and as servants of Christ during their time with us. We believe athletics is more about human development and less about games won. Don’t get me wrong – we love winning. However, games are a vehicle to something much deeper.
Therefore, we are announcing the launch of the Athletic Director’s Honor Roll. Students who earn a minimum GPA of 3.50 will be listed at JohnsonRoyals.com. This new list will honor many of our student-athletes who are achieving excellence in the classroom. Just this past semester, the overall term GPA of our student-athletes was 3.37 and our career GPA is 3.33. Seventy-one percent of Johnson athletes earned a 3.00 GPA or better and 14 student-athletes earned a 4.00 for the semester.
We are so proud of our athletes. They work incredibly hard and compete daily. However, they also work hard in the classroom and in the community. This work ethic continues to push our athletic program forward in our efforts towards excellence. It is a testament to both the students and to our coaching staff to have a department that cares deeply about more than playing a game.