By Daniel Overdorf, Johnson University President-Elect
Noted theologian and philosopher J.P. Moreland wrote, “Far from fearing science and what it will reveal, I regularly pray that God will send many Christians into the sciences to conduct their work and make discoveries with humble Christian confidence.”1 Moreland urges parents and Christian educators to equip the next generation with intellectual and theological foundations for the pursuit of God’s truth, which is evidenced in God’s creation and discovered, in part, through scientific pursuits.
Science reveals the building blocks of God’s creation, illuminating his intricate design and inexhaustible glory. As the Psalmist wrote, “The whole earth is filled with awe at your wonders” (Ps. 65:8). We study creation because this study leads us to worship the Creator more passionately and serve him more faithfully.
For these reasons, Ashley and Emma Johnson included extensive study of the sciences in the early curriculum of Johnson University, offering courses in physiology, botany, physics, zoology, chemistry, and similar fields. In 1924, they opened a science lab that served students for the following forty years.
The new science building at Johnson University will further this legacy and enable us to better equip students to deepen their relationships with God and to pursue their mission for God. The building will facilitate growth in science-related programs, such as our A.S. in Health Sciences and B.S. in Life Sciences, which includes biology, fitness science, and pre-professional concentrations. Additionally, the building will provide more and better learning opportunities for all students, as they complete requirements in the natural sciences through the core curriculum.
The building will include new labs for biology, chemistry, physics, and anatomy. These labs, along with new classrooms and additional spaces, will be designed to facilitate collaborative, hands-on learning and research under the guidance of our faculty.
The need is significant, and the possibilities are exciting. Graduates trained in this facility will take the truth and grace of Christ to the world through nursing, research, microbiology, physical therapy, and other science-related fields. Graduates in fields such as preaching, missions, counseling, education, business, and media arts will understand the world more intricately and engage it more effectively because their education included significant study in a state-of-the-art science facility.
The new science building will help propel Johnson University into the next generation, enabling us to more effectively educate students for Christian ministries and other strategic vocations, framed by the Great Commission, in order to extend the kingdom of God among all nations.
1 Scientism and Secularism: Learning to Respond to a Dangerous Ideology. Wheaton IL: CrossWay, 2018, p 22.