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There’s no better time to start than today! Contact our graduate admissions team and let us help you take the first step toward your MBA.

phd student

The Johnson MBA

  • 100% Online
  • Seven concentrations: Entrepreneurship, Healthcare Management, Human Resource Management, Leadership, Management, Marketing, Nonprofit Management. Learn more here.
  • A supportive environment: Enjoy flexibility with an online curriculum, accessible faculty, and personal guidance throughout your program.
  • Quality classes: The average class size is below 15 students, offering a true cohort experience. One hundred percent of the full-time faculty have terminal degrees and are real-world Christian practitioners who can offer expertise on integrating faith with business and work.


From searching for graduate scholarships online to innovative repayment and loan forgiveness plans, explore how you can make the MBA a reality.

“Don’t forget about local organizations, businesses, and your church. Many students have found opportunities for local scholarships by reaching out to these organizations and sharing their vision.”


Rocky Christensen,
Director of Financial Aid

Affordable online degrees from a christian university

Ready to start your journey? Have more questions? Learn more here!

Overcome obstacles with an online degree

Do your current responsibilities limit your options for education? Do you miss professional opportunities because you need more education? What goals for your life are you not reaching?

We have helped many students overcome obstacles and achieve their educational goals with online programs designed to help them succeed.

Reach your potential, achieve your goals, and advance in your career with a 100% online MBA.