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Community Recreation Director
Johnson University Tennessee invites applications for a full-time Community Recreation Director. Applicants for this position should submit a cover letter, resume/CV, and contact information for three professional references via email to , Vice President for Student Services/Dean of Students. Review of applications will begin immediately and will continue until the position is filled.
Position Title: Community Recreation Director
Administrative Area: Student Services
Reports to: Vice President for Student Services/ Dean of Students
Classification: Full-time, salary, benefits
Job Summary
The Community Recreation Director oversees and manages the program services for the Graham Center and recreation facilities.
- Recreation activities, including:
- Intramurals
- Club Sports
- Fitness
- Royal Wellness
- Supervise work-study students for Fitness Center, Pool, Reception, Housekeeping, and Recreation activities, etc.
- Work with Facilities Services and other departments to maintain Graham Center and outdoor recreation facilities
- Work with the Director of Operations to provide additional services as needed to other campus departments and events
- Work with the Athletic Director to provide support services to sports teams and intercollegiate athletic events
Essential Duties and Responsibilities
- Recreation:
- Intramurals by season
- Coordinate seasonal offerings (recruit captains, promote participation, develop and maintain policies and procedures)
- Explore, evaluate, and promote more options for student recreation (possibly water polo, archery)
- Oversee, promote and expand recreational club teams:
- Ultimate Frisbee, Cheer, etc.
- Recruit coaching staff for club sports
- Provide assistance to clubs for:
- Event scheduling and travel arrangements
- Budget development and administration
- Fundraising
- Supervise student recreation work force
- Coordinate and promote campus community health programs such as the Royal Wellness program
- Graham Center Facilities
- Develop and implement facility use policies that guide the allocation of physical resources to campus community and outside group use
- Oversee facility use
- Maintain facilities calendar, approving and coordinating reservations of the Graham Center and recreation facilities
- Coordinate athletic event scheduling with Athletic Director
- Ensure all students have appropriate access to recreation facilities
- Assist in the development and implementation of access control system policies in conjunction with student life office and security office
- Develop guest use policies, fees, and procedures
- Work with operations director to facilitate event activities
- Monitor facility condition and facilitate maintenance and repairs as needed
- Oversee Residence Hall Fitness Centers (Johnson Hall)
- Oversee other recreation areas (disc golf, picnic pavilion, fitness trail, pool, intramural and practice fields)
- Supervise Work-Study Students
- Supervise Graham Center student workforce
- Fitness Center operations
- Pool lifeguards
- Intramurals
- Facility housekeepers for fitness center, pool, and athletic areas
- Coordinate guest service workers for home games with the athletic department
- Reception and access operations
- Supervise Graham Center student workforce
- Intramurals by season
Other Duties and Responsibilities
- Meet weekly with VP for Student Services and Athletic Director
- Report to VP as needed
- Budget Items
- Recreation participation reports (each semester)
- Submit budget and expense information in a timely manner
- Ensure recreation and athletic facilities are maintained in clean working order
- Email news items to the Communications office regularly
- As needed, and as time allows, work with the Student Services, Admissions, and Advancement offices to provide services as needed, such as:
- Assist Advancement office with Senior Saints and Clean Team activities
- Develop a formal program to collect, sort, evaluate student stories and disseminate select stories to the Advancement, Admissions, and President’s offices as requested.
Education and Experience
A bachelor’s degree from four-year college or university; or three or more years of related experience and/or training; or an equivalent combination of education and experience.
Equal Employment Opportunity Provider
Johnson University is a Christian university affiliated with Christian churches and churches of Christ. Its mission is to educate students for “Christian ministries and other strategic vocations framed by the Great Commission in order to extend the kingdom of God among all nations.” Accordingly, Johnson University seeks to hire and educate individuals who share its vision and core values to carry out that mission. Johnson University does not unlawfully discriminate in admissions, educational programs, or employment practices.
Johnson University does not discriminate on the basis of race, sex, color, national origin, age, veteran status, genetic information, political affiliation, or disability–if such disability may be accommodated without undue hardship—in provision of educational opportunities, programs and activities, or employment opportunities and benefits, pursuant to the requirements of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and subsequent amendments to that act, Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972 and subsequent re-authorization of that act, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and subsequent amendments to that act.
The University, however, reserves the right under those provisions to make certain employment decisions based on religion, marital status, or sex consistent with the University’s religious beliefs when establishing qualifications for certain positions. Further, as a Christian ministry, the University retains the right to select those who serve in ministerial positions, as that term has been defined by the courts in the context of the First Amendment to the United States Constitution, based on criteria established by the University without regard to Title VII, Title IX, or any other federal, state, or local law governing the employment relationship.