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Following a major cyclone that hit Bangladesh in 1970, Milton Bates, and his wife, Janet, were deeply moved by the utter destruction they saw on the news reports. Burdened to help somehow, Milton and Janet prayed for God to reveal a way to unite the brotherhood of independent Christian Churches/Churches of Christ in a significant relief effort. After writing and sending over 500 letters from their own kitchen table to various Christian leaders, 9 men wrote back that they would support Milton if he volunteered to lead the effort. Faithfully, Milton and Janet continued to pray for direction, and for the missionaries they were connected with around the world.
Today, International Disaster Emergency Service has various staff members working out of their very own headquarters in Noblesville, Indiana and serves in three main focus areas around the world: Disaster Response, Development, and Disciple-Making.” Your giving will go towards helping IDES as they strive to “…meet the physical and spiritual needs of suffering people throughout the world in the name of Jesus Christ.*
Quoted text found on IDES Mission statement page*