Affordable Tuition

Affordable tuition has been a guiding principle at Johnson University for more than 125 years, and today Johnson’s annual cost is less than half the national average for private colleges and universities. In addition, need and merit-based scholarships, a work-study program, and other financial aid options are all available to help every student receive an affordable education.

While we’re proud of our work to keep tuition as low as possible, we’re even prouder of the high-quality education we offer, the talented faculty who lead our programs, and the relationships students build with each other and with professors during their time on campus. Our tuition and housing/food costs can compete with a state school, but we also offer a faith-based experience in a close-knit community.

Undergraduate on campus

On Campus

2024-2025 Basic Tuition and Housing/Food, per year
Tuition (based on 12-16 credit hours per term) $19,200
*Housing and Food $8,288
General Fees $1,922
2025-2026 Basic Tuition and Housing/Food, per year
Tuition (based on 12-16 credit hours per term) $19,880
*Housing and Food $8,662
General Fees $1,974

Part-time cost per credit hour: $600

* Housing and food rates are based on housing options and choice of meal plan. The rates above assume the 13-meal plan and a double room. This does not include books and nominal fees charged to all students (for example, fees for transcripts, specific courses, and graduation fees). All rates are listed in the Student Finances section of the Academic Catalog and are subject to change without notice. Contact the Admissions Team for more information!

Undergraduate online

2024-2025 Basic Tuition (per credit hour)
Tuition $475
Technology Fee $22
2025-2026 Basic Tuition (per credit hour)
Tuition $375
Technology Fee $24

This does not include books and nominal fees charged to all students (for example, fees for transcripts, specific courses, and graduation fees). All rates are listed in the Student Finances section of the Academic Catalog and are subject to change without notice. Contact the Admissions Team for more information!


Use your Tennessee Promise scholarship dollars! Johnson University participates in the Tennessee Promise program. Click here to explore the associate degrees you can earn at JU!

2024-2025 Basic Tuition and Housing and Food, per year
Tuition (based on 12-16 credit hours per term) $19,200
*Housing and Food $8,288
General Fees $1,922
2025-2026 Basic Tuition and Housing and Food, per year
Tuition (based on 12-16 credit hours per term) $19,880
*Housing and Food $8,662
General Fees $1,974


* Housing and Food rates are based on housing options and choice of meal plan. This does not include books and nominal fees charged to all students (for example, fees for transcripts, specific courses, and graduation fees). All rates are listed in the Student Finances section of the Academic Catalog and are subject to change without notice. Contact the Admissions Team for more information!



Master’s Degrees

Degree 2024/25 Rate 2025/26 Rate
Master of Arts in Counseling $610 per credit hour/63 credit hours
Fees $3,726
Total: $42,156
$610 per credit hour/63 credit hours
Fees $3,726
Total: $42,156
Master of Arts in Educational Technology $475 per credit hour/36 credit hours
Fees $200
Total: $17,300
$475 per credit hour/36 credit hours
Fees $200
Total: $17,300
Master of Arts in Ethics and Leadership Flat rate of $6,750
Total: $6,750
Flat rate of $6,750
Total: $6,750
Master of Arts in Holistic Education $475 per credit hour/30 credit hours
Fees $200
Total: $14,450
$475 per credit hour/30 credit hours
Fees $200
Total: $14,450
Master of Arts in Organizational Leadership $510 per credit hour/30 credit hours
Fees $1,500
Total: $16,800
$580 per credit hour/30 credit hours
Fees $1,500
Total: $18,900
Master of Arts in Teaching $475 per credit hour/36-39 credit hours
Fees $200
Total: $17,300-$18,725
$475 per credit hour/36-39 credit hours
Fees $200
Total: $17,300-$18,725
Master of Business Administration (MBA) $580 per credit hour/36 credit hours
Fees $1,500
Total: $22,380
$580 per credit hour/36 credit hours
Fees $1,500
Total: $22,380
Master of Strategic Ministry Online Core Classes: $475 per credit hour/18 credit hours
Field Experience: $135 per credit hour/12 credit hours
Total: $10,435
Online Core Classes: $475 per credit hour/18 credit hours
Field Experience: $135 per credit hour/12 credit hours
Total: $10,435

This does not include books and nominal fees charged to all students (for example, fees for transcripts, specific courses, and graduation fees). All rates are listed in the Student Finances section of the Academic Catalog and are subject to change without notice. Contact the Admissions Team for more information!


Degree 2024/25 Rate
Endorsement in Gifted Education $2,500

Doctoral Degrees

Degree 2024/25 Rate 2025/26 Rate
Ph.D. in Leadership Studies $715 per credit hour/60 credit hours
Fees $2,400; Regalia fee $1,092
Total: $46,392
$675 per credit hour/60 credit hours
Fees $2,400; Regalia fee $1,092
Total: $42,900

This does not include books and nominal fees charged to all students (for example, fees for transcripts, specific courses, and graduation fees). All rates are listed in the Student Finances section of the Academic Catalog and are subject to change without notice. Contact the Admissions Team for more information!



Degree 2024/25 Rate
Christian Ministries Flat rate, 15 credit hours
Total: $2,000
Intercultural Studies $475 per credit hour/15 credit hours
Technology fees $300
Total: $7,425



Degree 2024/25 Rate
Advanced Graduate Certificate in Leadership Studies $715 per credit hour/24 credit hours
General fees $800
Total: $17,960


This does not include books and nominal fees charged to all students (for example, fees for transcripts, specific courses, and graduation fees). All rates are listed in the Student Finances section of the Academic Catalog and are subject to change without notice. Contact the Admissions Team for more information!

Cost of Attendance

Below you will find information about Johnson University’s Cost of Attendance. This is sometimes referred to as the student budget. We hope that this information helps you to plan and budget for the costs of college that may not be charged by Johnson, but that might be necessary to support you while you complete your education.

To find your “bottom line,” simply subtract your “Total Award” total from the “Tuition & Fees” amount, and add “Room and Board.”  If you are an online or commuter student you will just need to subtract “Total Award” from “Tuition & Fees.”

Annual/Term On-Ground Costs

Fall/Spring Cost Breakdowns

Summer Cost Breakdowns

Online Annual Costs

Online Fall/Spring Cost Breakdowns

Graduate Programs