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Academic Support Center meeting with Kelly Estes
Curious about the support the ASC can provide your son or daughter? Did your child have a high school IEP or 504 plan? College is different. Colleges can provide Reasonable Accomodations. Schedule a meeting with Mrs. Estes. She would like your child to attend the meeting, too. When the meeting is over Mrs. Estes will tell your son or daughter where the next session will be.
Click here to sign up for an Academic Support Center meeting.
Counseling Center Meeting with Emily Eisenhart
Do you have specific questions about the services the University Counseling Center offers? Schedule an appointment with Ms. Eisenhart. If your child would like to attend the meeting, they are encouraged. When the meeting is over Ms. Eisenhart will tell your son or daughter where the next session will be.
Click here to sign up for a University Counseling Center meeting.
Financial Aid/Student Accounts
The Financial Aid/Student Accounts Office will be open this afternoon for questions about your son or daughter’s financial aid or student account. Feel free to drop by. Several people will be available to assist.