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Daniel Overdorf, president
On July 1, 2024, Daniel Overdorf became Johnson University’s eighth president. He earned a Bachelor of Arts in Bible and Preaching from Johnson University, Master of Divinity from Lincoln Christian Seminary, and Doctor of Ministry from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary. Prior to assuming the presidency, he served at Johnson for nineteen years in roles such as Professor of Ministry Leadership, Director of Preaching Programs, and Dean of the School of Christian Ministries. Daniel and his wife Carrie have three children. He has published six books, the most recent titled Preaching: A Simple Approach to the Sacred Task.
Johnson University Senior Leadership Team
Daniel OverdorfPresident
Johnson University Trustees
Richard E. WoodsChairman
Gregory J. GrantVice Chairman
Jeff WhitlockSecretary
Martha Raile Alligood
W. Perry Bailey
Jeff Case
Kevin Duval
Scott Eynon
Kenneth Funk
Mark Harrell
Drew Mentzer
Vanessa Watkins
Sam Widener
Bill Wang Xu
L.D. CampbellTrustee Emeritus
Paul T. ColemanLEGAL COUNSELKnoxville, Tennessee
Daniel OverdorfEX OFFICIOPresident of Johnson University