Bekah Ochs lived in Ghana for a year during high school, and she saw the need for better communication between missionaries and supporters.
“Missionaries often say, ‘I was called to the mission field to do ministry, not create newsletters,” she says. “But I love connecting stories from the field with the supporters who need to hear them.”
Bekah knew she wanted to use her communication skills to build these bridges between the senders and the sent, and she was surprised to discover that Johnson University had a degree designed especially for this type of work.
“No other school I looked at offered this,” she says. “At best, you could try to create a customized degree or do a double major. But Johnson offered the cross-cultural media communication program along with courses in Bible, theology, and other aspects of intercultural studies. I knew this was the place for me.”
Today, Bekah works as a storyteller and photographer for New International in the media department, helping 240 missionary families around the world tell their stories to the state-side churches and individuals supporting them. She completes much of this work from her home in Knoxville, with frequent visits to missionaries and to New International’s home office in Florida.
“I write corporate pieces, edit newsletters, and take photos as opportunities arise,” she says. “Missions isn’t just about going overseas, and it’s an honor to help people connect with missionaries, hear their stories, and pray for their work.”